Personal Online Talmud Instruction

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this service free?

No, but it is very reasonably priced. After the first hour meeting/trial, which is free, the hourly cost is $30, payable by PayPal to an Ohr Somayach account. If you choose to learn together four or five days a week, the price is reduced to $25 an hour.

Is there a free first meeting?

Please see above.

How does the learning work?

Preferably by Skype or other video chat, but, if that is not an option, it could be done by telephone. Or in person, if you want to come to Har Nof, Jerusalem.

My local Kollel has members who learn with people in the community for free, why should I want to pay?

It is definitely true that there are many wonderful Kollel Yungerleit who are happy to share their learning with you. But not all Yungerleit can share your learning with you. Bringing out your potential and understanding your way of thinking and what skills you will benefit most from right now, is not something that most Yungerleit have been trained for. But this is something to which I have dedicated decades of my life.

Does this mean we will be chavrusahs (study partners) for life?

No, not necessarily. You can acquire whatever skill sets you want, and then fly solo. Which skills you want is entirely up to you.

I'm just interested in a general introduction to Talmud, is this for me?

No, not really; this service is more for people who want to develop their skills in Talmud learning. But there are a lot of resources on line with introductory material.

If we do this, does that mean that getting skills will come easy?

No, sorry. Learning Talmud is challenging at every level. But, hopefully, this service will help you find your own skills in the most natural and intuitive way and you will find this mastery self-reinforcing and satisfying.


I look forward to hearing from you and finding out how I can help you develop independent lifelong learning skills!